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Ошибка фильтра

Добавлено: 30 май 2019, 23:29
Есть сущность "Заказ" в которой есть поле MySQL формула "Долг"
Дочерняя сущность к "Заказу" - "Деньги"
Хочу увидеть в отчете по сущности "Деньги" только те деньги которые приходили по заказу с долгом.
Для этого в отчете использую фильтр Долг >0

Database Error: 1054 - Unknown column 'e.parent_item_id' in 'IN/ALL/ANY subquery'
Query: select count(e.id) as total from app_entity_79 e where e.id>0 and e.parent_item_id in (select item_id from (select e.id as item_id , (( (select SUM(func100.field_249+0) from app_entity_27 func100 where func100.id>0 and func100.parent_item_id=e.id ) )+(e.field_563+e.field_863+( (select SUM(func100.field_864*func100.field_247+0) from app_entity_27 func100 where func100.id>0 and func100.parent_item_id=e.id ) )+e.field_873+e.field_886)-e.field_1193) as field_284, ( (select SUM(func100.field_864*func100.field_247+0) from app_entity_27 func100 where func100.id>0 and func100.parent_item_id=e.id ) ) as field_862, ( (select SUM(func100.field_249+0) from app_entity_27 func100 where func100.id>0 and func100.parent_item_id=e.id ) ) as field_868, (if( (select SUM(((select fcv.value from app_fields_choices fcv where fcv.id = func100.field_1207)*func100.field_1209)+0) from app_entity_79 func100 where func100.id>0 and func100.parent_item_id=e.id ) , (select SUM(((select fcv.value from app_fields_choices fcv where fcv.id = func100.field_1207)*func100.field_1209)+0) from app_entity_79 func100 where func100.id>0 and func100.parent_item_id=e.id ) ,0)) as field_877, ((( (select SUM(func100.field_249+0) from app_entity_27 func100 where func100.id>0 and func100.parent_item_id=e.id ) )+(e.field_563+e.field_863+( (select SUM(func100.field_864*func100.field_247+0) from app_entity_27 func100 where func100.id>0 and func100.parent_item_id=e.id ) )+e.field_873+e.field_886)-e.field_1193)-(if( (select SUM(((select fcv.value from app_fields_choices fcv where fcv.id = func100.field_1207)*func100.field_1209)+0) from app_entity_79 func100 where func100.id>0 and func100.parent_item_id=e.id ) , (select SUM(((select fcv.value from app_fields_choices fcv where fcv.id = func100.field_1207)*func100.field_1209)+0) from app_entity_79 func100 where func100.id>0 and func100.parent_item_id=e.id ) ,0))) as field_878, (e.field_563+e.field_863+( (select SUM(func100.field_864*func100.field_247+0) from app_entity_27 func100 where func100.id>0 and func100.parent_item_id=e.id ) )+e.field_873+e.field_886) as field_887, (if( (select SUM(func100.field_247+0) from app_entity_27 func100 where func100.id>0 and (func100.field_866 in (85) ) and func100.parent_item_id=e.id ) >0,'<div class="bg-color-value" style="background: #00FF00;"> Да</div>',"")) as field_907, ( (select SUM(func100.field_247+0) from app_entity_27 func100 where func100.id>0 and (func100.field_865 in (25) and func100.field_866 not in (38,39) ) and func100.parent_item_id=e.id ) ) as field_908, ( (select SUM(func100.field_1286+0) from app_entity_27 func100 where func100.id>0 and func100.parent_item_id=e.id ) ) as field_1299 from app_entity_26 e where e.id>0 having ((field_878=1)) and e.parent_item_id in (select item_id from (select e.id as item_id , ((select SUM(((select fcv.value from app_fields_choices fcv where fcv.id = msq.field_1207)*(msq.field_1209+0))) from app_entity_79 msq where msq.field_1210=e.id and msq.field_1206=366 limit 1)+if( (select SUM(((select fcv.value from app_fields_choices fcv where fcv.id = func100.field_1218)*func100.field_1220)+0) from app_entity_80 func100 where func100.id>0 and (func100.field_1282 not in (376) ) and func100.parent_item_id=e.id ) , (select SUM(((select fcv.value from app_fields_choices fcv where fcv.id = func100.field_1218)*func100.field_1220)+0) from app_entity_80 func100 where func100.id>0 and (func100.field_1282 not in (376) ) and func100.parent_item_id=e.id ) ,0)) as field_1211,IFNULL((select SUM(((select fcv.value from app_fields_choices fcv where fcv.id = msq.field_1207)*(msq.field_1209+0))) from app_entity_79 msq where msq.field_1210=e.id and msq.field_1206=366 limit 1),0) as field_1224 from app_entity_28 e where e.id>0 ) as parent_entity_28 )) as parent_entity_26 ) order by (field_1222) asc
Page: /index.php?module=items/listing

Re: Ошибка фильтра

Добавлено: 31 май 2019, 07:48
Проверьте после выхода 2.5. Если проблема повторится, попробуем разобраться.

Re: Ошибка фильтра

Добавлено: 01 июн 2019, 10:18
Ок! Ждем.