Версия 3.2.1. PHP 7.4
При добавлении объекта в сущность выскакивает ошибка
Код: Выделить всё
Database Error: 1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '[258] limit 1),0) as field_509,IFNULL((select msq.field_9 from app_entity_1 msq ' at line 1
Query: select e.* ,IFNULL((select msq.field_208 from app_entity_1 msq where id=[258] limit 1),0) as field_509,IFNULL((select msq.field_9 from app_entity_1 msq where id=[259] limit 1),0) as field_510 from app_entity_35 e where e.id='1'
Page: /index.php?module=items/&action=save&id=1&token=tu190oYivU
#0 includes/functions/database.php(87): mysqli_query(Object(mysqli), 'select e.* ,IFN...')
#1 includes/classes/fields_types.php(1084): db_query('select e.* ,IFN...')
#2 modules/items/actions/items.php(183): fields_types::update_items_fields(35, 1)
#3 index.php(20): require('/home/c1866/est...')
#4 {main}